For sometime now, I feel like I’ve been the Town Crier.
I’ve gone into the trenches of Motherhood, and heard what women are saying.
I’ve read their stories, I’ve shared my own.
I’ve held the space as they cried the minute they introduced themself.
I’ve gathered thousands of them together to explore what we really need.
I know what’s happening to women as they try to navigate motherhood and life… and it’s time I cried out.
We need a better way.
And matrescence is the map to navigate us there.
We are meant to have stories of becoming as guideposts on our mothering journey.
We’re meant to be inspired and comforted by the stories of other women’s lives and experience.
We’re meant to tell the truth about the emotional cost of mothering and who bears it... and what we can do about it.

Here are some of those stories, both my own and others, to ignite the change we all crave.
Today I want to explore an idea with you. Something that has been permeating within me ever since I had a divine conversation with Nicole Matheson on her new book, The Beauty Load (episode number 211). During that conversation we talked about how we often gaslight ourselves and each other when it comes to the…
READ MORE →I am continued to be surprised at how much I can learn within every single conversation each week for the Podcast. I already believe with every essence that the conversations around matresence are powerful and transformational, yet I am blown away at how much more expansion there is within ourselves, and this week was no…
READ MORE →I’ve been reflecting a lot over the last few years and began having the conversations with women and mamas around me about the process of acceptance, grief and surrender that we go through when we realise our children will need us more than we expected when we started out on this journey. It’s a tough,…
READ MORE →It is so very powerful within the work that I do when women wake up and say, enough is enough. And Grace Gulley is certainly healing and using her voice to stand strong in her advocacy for mothers, mental health and fighting against the systems that oppress mothers and caregivers. Grace experienced a somewhat unexpected…
READ MORE →Motherhood can start with a whisper, an inkling and desire. And it goes all the way through to the other side. Melissa Ambrosini had a long and deeply personal journey to get pregnant and after thinking it would happen quickly, had to devote and commit to the spiritual assignment alongside a deep yearning to be…
READ MORE →I am blown away by the women who walk the journey alongside me and turn challenges into something they can share with others. Jodie McGrath does exactly that through sharing her current journey alongside light bulb moments and an adult diagnosis of ADHD. Listen as Amy and Jodie discuss: Finding other ways to get things…
READ MORE →Matresence brings up time and time again many questions of who am I? What do I want to do with my life? What is our own definition of being a good mother? And ultimately, is this still what I want? The period of questioning everything, who we are and what we want is part of…
READ MORE →It can take some real reprogramming in order to stop, slow down and listen. Motherhood sparks a drive which often sees up pursue new adventures, businesses, lifestyles – the true beauty and complexities of matresence. It’s that internal struggle when matresence is activated – part of us that is ambitious, focused, ready and rearing to…
READ MORE →Our appearance is one aspect of who we are, it is not all of who we are and throughout the journey of matresence there is still a fuzzy line which is delivered as our body undergoes significant changes and levels of acceptance. My guest today is Nicole Mathieson who has impacted the lives of thousands…
READ MORE →What does matresence look and feel like when you are aware of what is approaching? When you have the knowledge and understanding that many of us do not have before being engulfed into the fourth trimester? How is it different for each pregnancy? How can we prepare for the changes that are coming? Curious questions…
Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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