Amy Taylor Kabbaz is one of the world's leading specialists in the field of matrescence.
As the founder of the Mama Rising Coaching Certification and the Global Matrescence Foundation, as well as the acclaimed author of Mama Rising (Hay House), Amy has established herself as a key figure in this area of expertise.
Her outstanding contributions to the field have made her a highly sought-after speaker and facilitator, known for her exceptional ability to educate and inspire others with her insights into the transformative process of matrescence.
As a former-journalist and producer with the ABC for 15 years, Amy brings a unique combination of research, story-telling and lived experience to her work. As Amy has a post-graduate degree in International Development specialising in empowering women in developing countries, and is currently completing a Diploma in Global Leadership from the University of Peace, she is passionate about changing more than just the experience of the individual mother...
She is here to contribute to the way women are seen, valued and supported as mothers in all corners of the globe, whether the boardroom, the birthing suite or outback Australia.
Interested in Booking Amy for Speaking or Training?
Ranging from 1 hour presentations to full training programs for People Managers and Leaders, Amy is able to bring her unique insights and certified coaching skills to your workplace or community.
Beyond breastfeeding rooms
What Working parents really need
Whilst we've come a long way in the past decade in supporting working parents, so much more is now needed. People Leaders and Managers must understand that the returning parent is wanting more than a breastfeeding rooms or flexible start times now.
They want to feel understand and supported, but also NOT treated with an underlying bias or prejudice.
A presentation on the real changes parents experience now, and what they are wanting from their workplaces, and the unconscious bias so many carry around the ability and commitment of working parents.
Making the
invisible, visible
Creating Real Equality and Support for Parents
Research shows that the #1 negative impact on a mother's wellbeing in the first 5 years of parenthood is not work, or the act of mothering itself, but the resentment she feels about the lack of impact on her partners career compared to her's, and the increase in house and child rearing responsibility compared to her partner.
Presented as a one hour workshop or half day interactive experience for ALL parents, Amy breaks down the communication and relationship challenges that cause so many challenges during early parenthood, and support your working parents (both birthing and non-birthing) to thrive.
Avoiding the maternal wall
The Real Reason Working Parents 'Lean out', and what we can do about it.
Ask any parent with toddlers about work-life balance, and it is often issues like endless illness at childcare, relationship stress and inequality, and longer than expected sleep interruptions that are top of the burn-out list.
Once your child is in school, parents are juggling work commitments with anxious children, school holidays, relationships and their own needs. In other words, the #1 reason a working parent 'leans out' of their career progression is work-life-family balance. So how can we keep pursuing our career dreams without sacrificing our home life?
Designed to be a one hour presentation or half day interactive, Amy brings her years of coaching experience to support ALL parents in doing it better without burn out.
Parent Inclusive Training
For leaders, managers and gender diversity teams
A unique and interactive half day workshop led by Amy that empowers leaders to support their parents and parents-to-be before, during and after parental leave.
Work through an understanding of matrescence, research into the real struggles of working parents (and why they lean out), and how you can create a more inclusive and support culture for all family members.
Amy has been interviewed / quoted in the following publications:

"Imagine a workplace that asks, when a woman returns from maternity leave - what are your ideas? What would you like to be part of? How would you like to be a part of the future of our company?
Imagine if workplaces saw her potential and how she’s changed, instead of seeing her as someone who’s not going to be invested for the next few years because of mothering.
And then, imagine if this was extended to all parents in the workplace? Not just birthing mothers, but all parents as they step into this new identity of parent.
that needs to be our future."
- Amy Taylor-Kabbaz
Want Amy on Your Podcast?
Amy is the host of the Happy Mama Movement Podcast which has had more than 475K downloads and 230+ episodes and is available for interviews in your program and podcast.
For more information please fill out the form below.
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