For sometime now, I feel like I’ve been the Town Crier.
I’ve gone into the trenches of Motherhood, and heard what women are saying.
I’ve read their stories, I’ve shared my own.
I’ve held the space as they cried the minute they introduced themself.
I’ve gathered thousands of them together to explore what we really need.
I know what’s happening to women as they try to navigate motherhood and life… and it’s time I cried out.
We need a better way.
And matrescence is the map to navigate us there.
We are meant to have stories of becoming as guideposts on our mothering journey.
We’re meant to be inspired and comforted by the stories of other women’s lives and experience.
We’re meant to tell the truth about the emotional cost of mothering and who bears it... and what we can do about it.

Here are some of those stories, both my own and others, to ignite the change we all crave.
Once mamahood comes along, we can often feel like we’ve had to put parts of our life ‘on hold’. Career advancement, travel, freedom – it can all feel like it’s slipping away! But here, mama and best-selling author Margie Warrell shares why it really is OK to go slow for now. To download Margie’s short…
READ MORE →How do you know when to pull back? So much of juggling motherhood and life is about balance – but how do you know when it’s time to say enough is enough, and pull back from all that the world demands of you? In this episode, Amy reflects on how she’s learnt to be OK…
READ MORE →So many of the pains in our world can be traced back to one simple concept – perfectionism. The idea that everything has to be ‘perfect’ to be right. In this episode, author, TedX speaker, mental mental health advocate and mama Lisa Abramson talks about her own struggles with perfectionism, and how it led her…
READ MORE →How do you build a nourishing morning ritual for yourself when you’ve got little ones? Undoubtedly one of the most common questions Amy gets in her work with mamas, here she shares what works best for busy mamas craving some routine of their own.
READ MORE →We all know that we need to change those constant negative thoughts in our head – but how do you do it exactly? Amy talks to Mummy Mind Detox founder Erin Reghenzani about training your brain to detox those old thought patterns and tune into the bliss of mamahood.
READ MORE →When our worlds are run by our to-do lists, how do we switch out of overdrive and busy-ness, and start to prioritise a new way of living? In this episode, Amy reflects on why we feel so disconnected, and how re-thinking your daily to-do list can change your whole life.
READ MORE →How do we hold the space for everyone around us, when we aren’t holding space for ourselves? This is what mama of four, writer and yoga teacher Azriel Re’Shel asks in this episode of the Happy Mama Movement. When the world is asking so much of us, making sure we are nurturing ourselves and our…
READ MORE →In this episode, Amy talks about changing our emotions and our energy – how we often stay stuck even though intellectually, we know that a simple moment out in the sun or a rest with a smoothie might completely change our headspace. She explores some of the thoughts and reasons that she thinks might drive…
READ MORE →Bronnie Ware is an author, songwriter and speaker from Australia. Her inspiring memoir, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, has connected with hearts all over the world, with translations in 27 languages. Bronnie has been interviewed or published by some of the largest publications in the world, including Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The…
READ MORE →In this episode, Amy talks about self-development; a concept we hear about all the time, the idea that we should be showing up as our best selves. That we need to get rid of the parts of ourselves that we don’t like, and be a better version of ourselves. She talks about how she believes…
Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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