For sometime now, I feel like I’ve been the Town Crier.
I’ve gone into the trenches of Motherhood, and heard what women are saying.
I’ve read their stories, I’ve shared my own.
I’ve held the space as they cried the minute they introduced themself.
I’ve gathered thousands of them together to explore what we really need.
I know what’s happening to women as they try to navigate motherhood and life… and it’s time I cried out.
We need a better way.
And matrescence is the map to navigate us there.
We are meant to have stories of becoming as guideposts on our mothering journey.
We’re meant to be inspired and comforted by the stories of other women’s lives and experience.
We’re meant to tell the truth about the emotional cost of mothering and who bears it... and what we can do about it.

Here are some of those stories, both my own and others, to ignite the change we all crave.
There are many aspects of Motherhood that crack us right open. Some more expected than others. When Amy Taylor-Kabbaz became a single mother last year, it wasn’t the plan. You hope, assume you are bound stronger, and it can feel like a societal failure to admit that it just isn’t working anymore. Although incredibly hard,…
READ MORE →In this Solo episode Amy talks straight from the heart. It’s raw, honest, up front and comforting to hear that we are indeed not alone in our Matresence journey. Amy touches on: The Mask of Motherhood, including how it can perpetrate a similar pattern and story if pretend that we’ve got it all together. Acknowledging…
READ MORE →Sometimes there are conversations which surprise you, fascinate and delight you and that send you a bit sideways in how they relate to your very own journey. The conversation between Amy and Anna McKie is exactly that. This is a conversation which allows tears, laughter, intrigue, lots of wow moments and a memorable and inspirational…
READ MORE →Join Amy Taylor-Kabbaz as she talks intimately to one of her long time friends about how the body keeps the score and trauma that shows up and often rises in Motherhood, especially in the 4th Trimester and beyond. Claire lives and breathes her very mission. Living a life in alignment, inner attunement and embodied transformation…
READ MORE →For a lot of my motherhood journey I don’t think I came to a deep understanding of how much our lives change and the benefit of trying not to make my life fit into doing, getting and being ‘better’. In this conversation I touch on: taking stock of where you are and seeing that, quite…
READ MORE →My guest today presents a real, raw, honest conversation about how, when we enter Motherhood and especially the 4th trimester, the triggers can come right up and be one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to mothering. You will hear: how our children are our mirrors and how sitting with ourselves and looking within…
READ MORE →You are about to meet one of my favourite people, Gladys Kangau. She was the successful recipient of Mama Rising scholarship and you will hear why spread throughout this conversation. Gladys is changing the world and reminds me every single day of what is possible in this world. We touch on: the misalignment of postpartum…
READ MORE →Often you meet a soul that seems to talk directly to you, deepen your understanding and question life itself. For me, Sarah Durham Wilson ticks all those boxes. This conversation could have easily lasted for hours. We chatted about: the way in which we are approaching motherhood and feeling lost in how to truly acknowledge…
Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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