For sometime now, I feel like I’ve been the Town Crier.
I’ve gone into the trenches of Motherhood, and heard what women are saying.
I’ve read their stories, I’ve shared my own.
I’ve held the space as they cried the minute they introduced themself.
I’ve gathered thousands of them together to explore what we really need.
I know what’s happening to women as they try to navigate motherhood and life… and it’s time I cried out.
We need a better way.
And matrescence is the map to navigate us there.
We are meant to have stories of becoming as guideposts on our mothering journey.
We’re meant to be inspired and comforted by the stories of other women’s lives and experience.
We’re meant to tell the truth about the emotional cost of mothering and who bears it... and what we can do about it.

Here are some of those stories, both my own and others, to ignite the change we all crave.
For today’s special CalmCast episode, I want to share with you a very special meditation I created for a group of mamas recently. As we all try to navigate our way through this time, we gathered together, on a live call, to support each other… and as part of that call, I shared a meditation…
READ MORE →These are uncertain times… but there are answers for us, mamas. There may not be answers for when this will be over, and what the greater effect will be, but there are answers that can bring peace, hope, and resilience. For the coming weeks, and as long as we all need it, I am going…
READ MORE →These are challenging times. As mamas, as women, as daughters, and as citizens, we are the Space Holders. And in the world right now, that means there’s a lot on our shoulders. But how do we be a container of calm when there’s so much chaos and fear around us? As so many of us…
READ MORE →Sure, you’re superwoman. You can juggle kids and a home and a deadline and the in-laws visiting and a last minute trip to Spotlight to buy a costume for the dress up party this weekend. You’re a mama – superwoman is part of the job description. But what happens when being Superwoman becomes your default?…
READ MORE →Your body is always talking to you. Always. Whether its PMS, or anxiety, or your hair is falling out, there are so many clues and signs your divinely designed body is giving you. But most of us do not listen or take note. We’re taught to whisper about a woman’s body; We’re taught to be…
READ MORE →One of the books that changed my life, and continues to transform it every time I pick it up, is ‘Circle of Stones’ by Judith Duerk. When I found it, it was the first time I’d ever felt invited into another way of viewing being a woman: a way that felt so ancient yet so…
READ MORE →In this episode, I invite you into a conversation with one of my closest friends, and greatest supporters: Lisa Corduff. But it’s a podcast episode with a twist – this time, I am being interviewed by Lisa on her phenomenal new podcast Conversations with Lisa. I’ve been talking about matrescence and the new story we…
READ MORE →We’ve all heard that we have a choice. In every moment, we have a choice in what we think and what we put our attention on. Sounds easy enough, right? Except when life throws you heartbreak, right when you welcome your second child into the world. This podcast is not about heartbreak though – it’s…
READ MORE →Something has shifted. This new year has already brought so many changes and challenges, and it’s calling us as mamas to do it differently. WE are the change-makers, mamas. In this episode, Amy shares her 2020 VISION, and how she sees us all coming together: as a mama, and as an elder. Here’s her invitation:…
READ MORE →The final podcast for 2019 to honour all that has unfolded this year, and the past decade. This episode is a reminder that we are all transforming, constantly evolving and shedding who we were to become who we are meant to be. It is a message of strength to every mama out there who’s in…
Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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