As a mama, you are a leader.You set the tone of your family, you lead them through challenges, you hold the vision of who they can be.That is a true leader.
But in our current culture of Super Women and Perfectionism, we often think leadership is an ‘outside' thing – something we have to build outside of ourselves, a strength we have to find to keep on going no matter what.
Omara Evertz is a coach, author and mama. In this episode, she shares what REAL feminine motherhood leadership looks like -and it all starts with an inner understanding of yourself.
In this episode, we share practical tools and ideas to begin to explore your leadership as a mother and a woman, how to drop out of the masculine race and instead follow your own body and cycles, how to mother with certainty but still hold unconditional grace, and what true leadership the world needs.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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