What does it mean to be a ‘good mother?'
When we actually pause and ask ourselves that question, it can be scary what answers we here:
Always there, always available.
Never grumpy or angry.
Maybe even, self-sacrificing.
This is what we've been told, for many many decades:
to be a good mother, we need to be perfect.
And even if you don't think you carry that belief, scratch the surface, and you'll be surprised the stories you tell yourself about who you need to be for your children.
Dr. Sophie Brock knows all about this. She is not only a Motherhood Studies specialist, she's also a mama herself. She's both dived deep into the research around our expectations on women once they become mothers and lived it herself.
In this episode, you will hear insights into why you feel the way you do that will make you cry with relief… and maybe rage with anger. There's a lot here – because there's a lot of unspoken truths about the institute of motherhood.
But what Dr. Sophie Brock will show you is… you will fail your children – it's part and parcel of the role. Your children need to see you do that. What's most important is – they see you forgive yourself in the process.
Dr. Sophie Brock is a Sociologist who specialises in Motherhood Studies, and a single Mother to her 3-year-old daughter. Her work advocates for the liberation of mothers from the myths of perfect motherhood, bringing academic research on motherhood to the public forum. She offers online education through her membership, courses, and individual mentoring, and hosts The Good Enough Mother podcast. You can connect with her further @drsophiebrock on Facebook/Instagram, or www.drsophiebrock.com

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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