For sometime now, I feel like I’ve been the Town Crier.
I’ve gone into the trenches of Motherhood, and heard what women are saying.
I’ve read their stories, I’ve shared my own.
I’ve held the space as they cried the minute they introduced themself.
I’ve gathered thousands of them together to explore what we really need.
I know what’s happening to women as they try to navigate motherhood and life… and it’s time I cried out.
We need a better way.
And matrescence is the map to navigate us there.
We are meant to have stories of becoming as guideposts on our mothering journey.
We’re meant to be inspired and comforted by the stories of other women’s lives and experience.
We’re meant to tell the truth about the emotional cost of mothering and who bears it... and what we can do about it.

Here are some of those stories, both my own and others, to ignite the change we all crave.
How do you find peace with parts of this mamahood journey that aren’t so joyful and happy? What if you feel a sense of sadness or anger that it seems so much easier for others? How exactly do you live with grace? These are the questions author and mama Cathy Spooner had to face when…
READ MORE →If only it were as easy as listening to a podcast, and … that’s it. Your thoughts are changed. Your energy is cleared, your old stories of not being good enough, your beliefs that you should be doing more, transformed. If only. Every single day for the past decade, I have committed to myself and…
READ MORE →We think falling pregnant will be easy; We have a very clear idea of what the birth will look like; We believe we know exactly how it will be when we return to work; We have the perfect vision for our perfect families: And of course, motherhood shows us life can be very very different.…
READ MORE →If we want to work, does that mean we value motherhood less? And if we suddenly find ourselves reprioritising our career plans to be with our little ones while they are still little, does that mean we have given up on our ambition? Can we make decisions on what we most want at this time…
READ MORE →I used to think I would just tac motherhood onto my life – as if it would be another role on top of all I do. I’d go back to who I was – at work, in my relationship, with my body and health – just with the added bonus of a baby, or three!…
READ MORE →How does something like mindfulness actually help us as mothers? When so many of us just want to be calmer and more present when we’re with our children, how does something like a mindfulness practice actually help? Sometimes, understanding the science behind something can be the key to actually sticking to it. You can see…
READ MORE →If we can accept that right now, in this season of life, we are in ‘matrescence’, the transformation from woman to mother, then we can start to accept that all we’re feeling, all we’re going through, all we’re facing is a part of a process. In fact, it’s a DIVINE process. This is the making…
READ MORE →“Again and again and again I recognise the stunning beauty in pain. And the outrageous gift that is motherhood – in all its tiresome, messy and unsure glory.” These are the words of mama, business woman and my beautiful friend, Lisa Corduff. When I read these words recently, I immediately reached out to Lisa and…
READ MORE →What if your anger and anxiety was your life calling you? Here’s an interesting idea, mamas – what if all that overwhelm, anger, anxiety and worry was actually a gift? What if it was the warning sign your life was sending you, that things were out of balance? As women, we believe anything that is…
READ MORE →It starts small – an affirmation card, a podcast, a meditation in a yoga class. Sometimes, it can be a green smoothie and a commitment to move your body. It doesn’t really matter what the entry point is – because once you’re on your way, you’re on your way. There’s no turning back. That’s the…
Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
Plus, receive updates on my podcast, programs, events and latest teachings every week.