So many of us want to slow down, be more present, calm and connected. We crave a different life right now, feeling a pull within to make big changes.
And then… nothing much changes. Our inner world does not really align to what we're doing in the outer world.
But it is this inner and outer disconnected that is causing so much struggle. It's what mamahood – and the transition we all go through as we move through this time in our life – is all about. It's about realising that we want things to be different – and now's our chance.
But how? How do we align what we are feeling inside with what we have in reality?
Zoe Gameau is a mama, actress, change-agent and curator of the most amazing events. Since mamahood, she has been committed to bringing her values into her world – for herself, and her family.
In this episode, she shares how to begin to align with what you most desire, what she learnt through the power of sitting in Circle, and why she now wants to bring this powerful space to all mamas.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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