We keep holding our breath until the we reach the next milestone. As mamas, we often sacrifice ourselves, or put some part of our lives on hold, hoping that when we reach ‘that time', we will get the space.
Maybe it's starting school. Maybe it's starting to sleep. Maybe it's a certain age.
But the thing with matrescence is: it doesn't stop. There is no milestone we reach when finally we get our whole selves back.
So what does that mean for us, as women? How do we cope with these transitions and changes, and honour ourselves in amongst it all?
In this episode, Amy reflects on the constant seasons of change in motherhood, and how we can navigate it with grace.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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