Imagine at 41 weeks pregnant, about to become a first-time mama, you are suddenly whisked in for tests after tests for a lump you've discovered in your breast. And imagine just hours later, you're told you have aggressive breast cancer, and treatment must start immediately if you are to survive. It's a harrowing thought, but for journalist, author and mama of two Sally Obermeder, this was her reality. For the first months of mamahood, Sally had to find the strength, resilience and faith to keep going – through chemo and radiation treatments, a double mastectomy, all of the horrible side effects and the fear that she might not live to see her daughter turn one. And she did – a real example of grit.
Six years on, and Sally is now cancer free, and a busy working mama with two daughters. Here, she talks to Amy about how she never stopped believing, and what second time mamahood has taught her – including how it helped her heal even more.
Six years on, and Sally is now cancer free, and a busy working mama with two daughters. Here, she talks to Amy about how she never stopped believing, and what second time mamahood has taught her – including how it helped her heal even more.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How to work together as a family, and how important it is for our children to learn this early on
- How Sally found herself over-compensating for the tough first year of her first daughter’s life by trying to be super mum with her second – and what it taught her
- How to keep believing, when all the odds are against you
- The definition of strength and grit, and the importance of being in the moment, no matter what
- What Sally told herself in her darkest moments to keep on going
- What cancer and mamahood has taught her the most
- How she now balances a hugely successful television career, her own online fashion and lifestyle business, her frozen smoothie products, and her family
- Her daily rituals to keep her healthy and full of energy, even with two little ones

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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