Something has shifted.
This new year has already brought so many changes and challenges, and it's calling us as mamas to do it differently.
WE are the change-makers, mamas.
In this episode, Amy shares her 2020 VISION, and how she sees us all coming together: as a mama, and as an elder.
Here's her invitation:
As a mama:
You start to redefine motherhood, womanhood, and your true self;
you work on your stories of enough-ness, of what a good mother and a successful woman looks like;
you bring back ritual and routine in your life, you slow down, you listen inwards, you undo the addiction to busy;
you accept that it’s up to you to change the generational patterns of mothers and women before you;
and you surround yourself with women who support you and believe in you.
You do this by:
Bringing rituals into your life;
healing old stories, old beliefs, and forgiving yourself and others;
learning about a more natural and ancient way of honouring your emotions, healing your body, and supporting your family;
learning to meditate, to journal, to connect with your creativity;
redefining what it means to be a mama, a warrior, a lover, a creator;
realising that matrescence and motherhood is an invitation to emerge new and accepting that invitation.
Your next steps: Redefine and Essential Happy Mama.
As an elder:
You accept that you have a special role to play in changing the way mothers feel about themselves, no matter how small;
you know that what you’ve been through had a purpose, and you feel the pull to make sure others don’t go through the same pain;
you believe that the smallest act of kindness has an enormous ripple effect, and you know you can create a ripple;
you work on your own stories so you can be there for others;
you live by example, but without perfection – no one needs perfection anymore;
you lead, you guide, you hold space, you rise.
You do this by:
Bravely accepting that you have a role to play, no matter how small;
learning the rituals and ways of women, including the ancient ways that have been rejected and ignored;
committing to training and growing and being a student of womanhood and motherhood;
surrounding yourself with people who lift you up and back you;
turning each set-back and challenge into a chance to rise to the next level, and then sharing that lesson with others;
knowing that a change is coming, that matrescence is a global shift in how we value motherhood, and accepting that you are a part of that.
Your next step: Mama Rising and Essential Mama Rising.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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