Welcome Mamas.
While the demands of motherhood and other responsibilities can be overwhelming at times, taking time for simple pleasures can help you stay grounded and maintain a positive mindset. and to remember that the enjoyment of these simple pleasures is not a luxury, but a necessity for your mental, emotional, and physical health. Incorporating these small moments of joy into your daily routine really can make a big difference in your overall well-being.
With this in mind, i introduce you to the beautiful guest joining me on this week's podcast:
Regan Figg.
A self-professed pleasure seeker in all the right ways.
Regan's book, A Mother’s Pleasure is a modern guide to summoning your sensuality and weaving pleasure into the very fabric of your life. She also hosts The Pleasure Collective podcast.
After being diagnosed with Post Natal Depression after the birth of her son, she had trouble coping with what was happening to her body. Even after 15 years of yoga practice and teaching, and practicing as an exercise physiologist, studying neurology, physiology, biology Working as a health and wellness coach and coordinator for years didn’t seem to really help either.
But she realized that there was a better way to prepare for motherhood and a better way to weave herself through life and business, whilst becoming the woman she was here to be.
In this week's episode, Regan shares her insights and practices to reveal just how simple the methods are but still how challenging it can be to break old patterns and beliefs around low self-esteem and low self-worth.
[Time Stamps]
[0:00] – Acknowledgements
[0:41] – Intro to Pleasure
[2:21] -The Power of Small Pleasures
[3:12] – Seeker of Pleasure
[5:00] – Simple Pleasures
[6:19] – It's Not Just the Sex
[7:03] – The First Steps
[8:23] – Reclaim it for Yourself
[9:17] – I Desired. I Chose
[11:32] – What Feels Good?
[14:28] – Checking in
[16:00] – Extract the Pleasure
[19:50] – It Sounds too Easy
[20:45] – Redefine Your Worth
[22:40] – I Matter Too
[25:00] – Breakthrough
Why not INDULGE yourself today and take a short moment out of your day to enjoy the pleasure of this brilliant and lively conversation with myself and Regan as we explore some of the in's and out's of finding what gives you pleasure in your everyday life and chasing it.
I hope you fins some PLEASURE in this weeks episode.
We certainly did.
~Sat Nam~
She also hosts The Pleasure Collective podcast.
Find out more about Regan and her way of looking at the world right HERE: at https://reganfigg.com/
Regan's book is a modern guide to summoning your sensuality and weaving pleasure into the very fabric of your life. Grab a copy of her fabulous book, ‘A Mother's Pleasure' HERE: at https://reganfigg.com/a-mothers-pleasure/
Find her on Instagram @regan_figg
Remember you can see us face-to-face in the YouTube version, right HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE0CttPzczw
Enjoy the full Closed Captions Transcription for the episode on the Amy Taylor-Kabbaz YouTube Channel too!
Please visit my website: https://amytkb.wpengine.com and: https://mamarising.net/ to submit questions for Mama Q, our new Q&A podcast session, where we answer your questions regarding Matrescence and motherhood.
The Mama Rising Facilitator training is open for enrolment RIGHT NOW. This is an incredible opportunity to become a certified Mama Rising Facilitator in 2023 and teach and share the ground-breaking insight of Matrescence with the world.
Visit https://mamarising.net/mama-rising-2023/ to find out more.
Within these conversations, we change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society and spread the whispers of Matrescence together.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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