Welcome back, Mama's.
We have something special and incredibly inspiring to celebrate and acknowledge this year's International Women's Day'.
A power-house of grace and steadfastness. The ever wonderful, Yemi Penn, is my guest this week and brings her passion and insight to us with such eloquence and gusto.
Yemi Penn is a Global Thought Leader and Ph.D. Candidate on the transformation of trauma, looking at non-western and alternative ways of healing. She fuses her engineering profession with her creative research to evoke radical change in communities and organizations. Her first documentary ‘Did I choose my trauma?’ was a finalist in the 2021 Sony Film Festival (Australia & New Zealand) short film category. She has since been invited to speak on the TEDx Ocala, Florida stage where she invites the collective to make the choice to transform their trauma as opposed to transfer it.
Join us today, as Yemi and I dive deep into the trauma of identity and belonging, a crisis of the ages, but with it comes blessings of growth and introspection and the eventual change it offers us all, should we meet it face to face, unabashed.
[Time stamps]
0:00 – Acknowledgements
0:40 – Intro
2:44 – Inspiration fo Mamas
4:41 – Feelings around International Womens Day
6:35 – Expectation/ Anticipation
7:58 – Embracing Equity
9:31 – The Want to Give
10:52 – “If she doesn't do it, who will?”
16:46 – A women in a black body
19:07 – Cultivate where we want to be
21:00 – At the Slightest Eyebrow-Raise
22:36 – Shame Resistance
27:30 – Getting It Wrong
29:47 – Fear of Not Belonging
31:19 – Judgement
32:45 – Hopefulness
36:15 – Sacrificing Our Privileges
37:45 – Outro
We truly hope you were as inspired and filled up as we were after digesting this great conversation.
This is a moment to take stoke our this moment in history and brace ourselves for the challenges ahead.
Thank you so much for joining me again this week.
See you again soon,
~Sat Nam~
For more information about the work, Yemi Penn is doing around collective and personal trauma and making radical change in our world visit: www.yemipenn.com for more information.
Please visit my website: https://amytkb.wpengine.com and: https://mamarising.net/ to submit your questions.
The Mama Rising Facilitator training is open for enrolment RIGHT NOW. This is an incredible opportunity to become a certified Mama Rising Facilitator in 2023, and teach and share the ground-breaking insight of Matrescence with the world.
Visit https://mamarising.net/mama-rising-2023/ to find out more.
Catch the full presentation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l84YYR3MR6Q
Within these conversations, we change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society and spread the whispers of Matrescence together.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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