Welcome Mamas to this week's Happy Mama Movement Podcast episode.
After years of building a successful business around assisting and educating women to better understand themselves and the world we live in, one questions that I am often asked is around the theme of better preparing for what's to come.
Most of us have read ‘the books', been to ‘the workshops' and ‘the seminars', taken ‘the classes', attended ‘the webinars', and routinely practiced various techniques…
But, has any of this significantly made us less anxious and prepared to fearlessly face the unknown? Can we ever actually prepare ourselves for an unforeseeable future? Can we ever know enough? Can we ever practice enough? Can we ever have enough foresight to maneuver, without taking enumerable falls, the stumbling blocks in our lives?
It seems no matter how hard we try, none of us are removed from the world of things and the uncompromising change that buffets us to and fro' all of our days.
So what is there left for us to do?
In this solo episode, I discuss my impressions and feelings around this dilemma and consider what i believe to be a superior view to take on this age old obstacle. Can we change the paradigm regarding ‘change' itself? Is there a deeper place of peace on which we can depend? Can we find a level of deep trust in this process, so that we can let go, and find lasting joy in these fleeting moments?
Today, I offer you this episode; a humble, still-evolving answer to this question.
I hope you find something of value here.
(Time Stamps below)
[0:00] – Acknowledging the Gadigal People
[0:38] -Intro
[1:35] – Can we ever really prepare?
[2:37] – Doing all the “Right” things
[3:12] – Okay, no matter what.
[5:25] – The Challenge of Change
[6:33] – Not on my own
[7:53] – Trust in this
[9:00] – I'll find a way
[10:15] – Reach out to me
Thank you once again for choosing to spend this time with me and to continue the discourse on these and other important issues. And also for your continued support in creating this beautiful open community. It wouldn't exist without you.
Want to see this episode, or future episodes, in the original Video format? Head over to the ‘Amy Taylor-Kabbaz' YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWqmJRCDzweHhs6JCitq3A
The Mama Rising Facilitator training is open for enrolment in 2023. An opportunity to become a certified Mama Rising Facilitator in 2023, and teach and share the ground-breaking insight of Matrescence with the world.
Visit https://mamarising.net/mama-rising-2023/ to find out more.
Within these conversations, we change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society and spread the whispers of Matrescence together.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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Understanding what matrescence is and how to navigate it is like being
handed a map.
Once you've got the map, the journey gets easier... and really, really exciting. Because it’s the making of you.
Get your Matrescence Map here - a six-page ebook which will empower you to understand why you feel the way you do, and the first steps to take.
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