Welcome to the final episode for 2022.
How are you? I mean, really how are you?
I know it's cliché, but my goodness we have all been through a lot over the last three years. And this has created a sense of one thing after another, after another. As we pause at the end of another year, I invite you to reflect and think about our needs vs what feeds us. This concept has been presented to me again recently in the book Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak. Come with me as I explore and offer prompting questions in this solo episode. Talking about:
- Expectations of us alongside subtle power dynamics. How we can unbind and free ourselves to actually get what we most need.
- The balance of our mothering, giving, nurturing instincts and supporting what feeds our soul, heart and sense of self at the same time.
- Grieving when we are not needed anymore, the seasons that ebb and flow and how that can present its own challenges.
- Celebrating all we have done and who we are becoming, as we recognise and love our own needs alongside those of others.
Thank you for spending time with me today and for a wide range of Podcast episodes in 2022. As mentioned in this episode, the Mama Rising Facilitator training is open for enrolment in 2023. An opportunity to become a certified Mama Rising Facilitator in 2023, and teach and share the ground-breaking insight of Matrescence with the world.
Visit https://mamarising.net/mama-rising-2023/ to find out more.
Within these conversations we change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society and spread the whispers of Matrescence together.
Welcome to the Happy Mama Movement Podcast.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I'm Amy Taylor-Kabbaz.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I would like to start by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Aura nation
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:on which this podcast is recorded, as the traditional custodians of this land.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And pay my respects to the elders past, present and emerging.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And, as this podcast is dedicated to the wisdom and knowledge of motherhood, I
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:would like to acknowledge the mothers of this land, the elders, their wisdom, their
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:knowing and my own elders and teachers.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Welcome back Mamas.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And welcome to our final episode for 2022.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:How are you?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:How are you at the end of this 12 month period in our lives again?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I have taken quite a few days to think about what I want to
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:share for our final episode.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:What I want to reflect on and what I hope I can invite you to reflect on.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Because I know it's a cliche, but my goodness have we all been through
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:a lot over the last three years.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Beginning, of course in 2020, as the world locked down for the
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:first time with the pandemic.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And it feels like since then there's a little bit of a sense
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:of one thing after another.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I have the great privilege, and I mean that the great privilege, of listening to
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:mamas around the world every single day.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Reading messages in my social media, in my emails, sitting online with
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:women who are currently doing the Mama Rising coaching certification, or in
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:my ongoing membership, the Village, in coaching calls, in women's circles.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And I know that there is a level of depletion that we are
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:feeling after the last few years.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:There was a deep hope that as lockdowns and isolations and Covid
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:related stress lifted, to some extent, that we would feel differently.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:That we would feel new again, alive again.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And yet, from what I have witnessed in myself and so many
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:others, that has not happened.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Instead, it feels like one thing after another.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Both small and big.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Perhaps in your life it's been a lot of illnesses.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Because we are all locked inside for so long, it feels like our
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:immune systems forgot how to fight the common cold and all the little
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:germs that our kids bring home.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I know for so many there has been this real sense of one illness after another.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:For others, just getting back to the busyness of life again.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Balancing afterschool activities with school, with work, with the
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:realities of raising a family has felt heavier than usual.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And again, I think that's a reflection of the exhaustion we feel.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:What I thought I could perhaps contribute to this conversation
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:at the end of this year.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Because that really is my intention, I'm not here to just have a chat, although
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I'd love to just have a chat with you.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I want to be able to contribute to something that you can reflect
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:on that perhaps will bring to light something for you.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And when I sit and contemplate this year for me, what I have really seen
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:is that, over the last three years from the start of 2020, I have been giving
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:out more than I have been receiving.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I've been giving out so much more than I have been receiving.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Now, that's not a martyr statement.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I'm not here to say woe is me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Look what I've been doing for the last two and a half years.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Look at everything that I've been through.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Look at what I've given to everybody, and I haven't received anything back.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:That is not the case at all.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:What I would love to explore with you right now is this idea of what
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:feeds us rather than what needs us.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:This idea is not mine.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Always acknowledging where I get these ideas and these insights from.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:This comes from the phenomenal book, Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I dunno if I'm pronouncing her name correctly, I do hope so.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But this book, Unbound, I have been listening to the audio book on my
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:walks with our new puppy every morning.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Coming back to it over and over again.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Is a reflection on what true power is and how as women, we are so bound up by
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:the expectations of us, the subtle power dynamics in our relationships, in work, in
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:our culture, and in our society, and how we can unbind ourselves, free ourselves
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:to actually get what we most need.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And she talked about this idea of the difference between need versus feed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:That so much of our life as mothers and as women is people needing things from us.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And we can of course give for so much we can give and give, and give, and give.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:That is very much in our nature, in motherhood, in womanhood, in our heart.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But when that is out of balance from what feeds us, that is when we get
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:angry, we are filled with resentment.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We get sick, we get depleted.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I've heard variations of this idea so many times over the years, you
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:know, giving and receiving the feminine and the masculine, what you
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:give out and what you take back in.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But for this moment in my life and perhaps in yours as we come to the end of this
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:year and reflect what I see in myself and in so many of you that I'd get to talk
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:to is that the level of need has been so out of balance to what has fed us.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Over the last three years, the needs that we have had to attend to on a daily,
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:hourly, minute by minute basis has been disproportionate to what we are receiving,
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:what is feeding us, what is feeding our soul, our heart, our sense of self.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:How this has shown up for me is that 2020 and 2021 was 100% people needing me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:My children mostly, helping them through supporting them through a
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:pandemic, their parents separating, the ongoing emotional needs that
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:has come from both of those things.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:The mental health challenges that they've experienced, the daily, hourly,
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:and minute by minute need for me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Even when they're not here, even when they're at their dad's, when
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:the older ones are at school and they have their ability to be
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:able to message me, it's endless.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's constant.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I have felt needed for so long that I recognise is
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:something I can't always change.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I think for a long time I was focused on trying to change how much I was needed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I thought that was the solution.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I need to create better boundaries.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I need to cut back on some things.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I need to make some new rules, make big changes and small changes, and
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:all of the things I was focused on, how to change, how much I was needed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And in some ways I did that and it did help.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I can't change how much my kids need me very much, but I
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:made big changes in my work.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Just again, just a few months ago, I made the decision to close down the membership
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:of which is called the Village of Mamas, that I began in some form in March, 2020.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:For the last two and a half years, I have been holding space so happily, so happily
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:for the most divine group of women.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have meditated together every Monday morning.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have cried.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have laughed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have danced, literally.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have moved.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have listened.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have activated.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have explored our anger, our sexuality, our pleasure, our
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:passion, our relationships with ourselves, with our partners, with
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:our mothers, and with the universe.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It has been absolutely a great privilege to be able to do that.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But as I am coming to the end of this year I realised, this is
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:something I can't hold anymore.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I can't give anymore.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And so I've decided to close that down in the first month of 2023.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:This was a recognition that there was more people were needing me than I could meet.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And I now have a community of the most beautiful Mama Rising coaches
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:and facilitators around the world that are waiting to welcome these mamas.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I do not need to hold all the hands anymore.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I don't need to be needed in this way anymore.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:These beautiful women that I have walked with for so long, we are coming
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:to the end of our season together.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And that is okay, and they can find what they need from
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:other places and other spaces.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Because it is time for me to look at what feeds me now, and that is what
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I really wanted to invite you to think about at the end of this year.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Perhaps, like me, you are recognising the imbalance that has
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:been there for a number of years.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Perhaps, like me, you are only just beginning to realise how deep that goes.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And perhaps, like me, you are beginning to realise as you listen to this, that
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:not being needed brings its own challenge.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's like, I don't know if you remember this, but that first time your baby
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:sleeps through the night and you wake up automatically anyway, and
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:of course part of you is incredibly excited that that's just happened.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But another part is grieving, like, oh, they don't need me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's a bit like that.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:How do we as giving divine mamas and women with values of being available for
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:our children and those we love, how do we balance the need with what feeds us?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:So as I said, I've recognised that the season of being needed by my children
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:is not going to end any time soon.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I have been blessed with three incredibly emotionally sensitive and intelligent
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:children who feel everything deeply, and I am their safe place to land.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I don't want that to change.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:However, I need to find other ways to feed myself if I'm going to be able to
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:continue to be there when they need.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:So feeding myself, I guess the first thing we think of is things like
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:self-care practices, and if you've been around for a while, you'll know
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I'm not a great fan of that term.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Self-care.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:When you ask a mama or you tell a mama that what she needs is
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:more self-care makes me angry.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Because she doesn't need self care.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:She needs world care.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:She should not have to be doing more to look after herself.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:There should be others around.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:There should be a village of support.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:There should be people she calls on.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:There should be food dropped to her door.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:So self-care in the sense of doing things to feed myself, yes, of course they are
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:on the list, but I want to think bigger.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I want to think more about what feeds me, what feeds me, what nourishes me?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:What fills me up, what gives me energy, health, vitality, inspiration?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And what about you?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:What feeds you?
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Perhaps the things you think feeds you are not anymore.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Perhaps a commitment you can make in 2023 is to explore
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:what it means to be well fed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Feeding me at the moment is very sensory.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's about beauty.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's about food.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's about touch.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's getting into bed at night and feeling the sheets.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's about stepping outside in the morning as the sun is coming up as
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I go to walk the dog and breathing in the smell of that pre dawn.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's about noticing.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's sensory feeding for me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:It's even a fantastic movie, a brilliant book, a great song that
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:is what at the moment in the most simple way, has begun to feed me.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And what I recognised was how damn hungry I was.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And so, divine Mama, congratulations on the year that has been in your life.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Bravo for all that you have done.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:All that you have been through.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I hope you can see all that you are and who you are becoming.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I hope you take a moment to celebrate what you've done.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:To know that you've done the best you could, sometimes
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:starving, sometimes giving out way more than you were taking in.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:So well done Mama.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I'm with you.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Here's to bring in more balance next year.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Here's to recognising that when we are needed so much all of
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:the time we need to be fed.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Maybe through beauty, through relationships, through the breath.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Through the breath, whatever that looks like.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:And thank you, for spending this time with me, we have so many
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:beautiful things planned for 2023.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:Lots more traveling around and sitting with you in person
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I hope all over the world.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We are of course, enrolling for Mama Rising, the coaching certification
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:and facilitator training now.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We are beginning in March, but an early enrollment is
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:open now with a special offer.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:So please check that out if you'd like to join our phenomenal community.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have special podcast series planned.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:We have so many beautiful things, perhaps even a new book.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:But thank you again for being here.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz:I hope you feel a little more fed right now and happy new year.

I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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