Join Amy Taylor-Kabbaz as she talks intimately to one of her long time friends about how the body keeps the score and trauma that shows up and often rises in Motherhood, especially in the 4th Trimester and beyond.
Claire lives and breathes her very mission. Living a life in alignment, inner attunement and embodied transformation through simple, powerful, potent tools coupled with my wisdom-filled guidance.
Join us in conversation about:
- Her own definition and embodied way of surrendering and life events that allow us to surrender in a way unlike any other.
- Emergency cycles as a natural way of handling trauma and how support for individuals to process trauma has been somewhat falsified in order to release properly.
- Flashbacks and judgements from the past and how that presents itself post-partum.
- Irritation as a sign of invitation, that there’s something still in your body that needs to be processed.
- The spaciousness to share, absorb and discover within this conversation demonstrates a dynamic between Claire and Amy that feels like coming home. You are left wanting to know more – yet feeling like you’ve just heard all you need in this very moment.
Please connect further with Claire to enjoy more of what was shared today:
We can change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society by having profound conversations and spreading the whispers of Matrescence together.
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I'm Amy.
I'm a matrescence activist - here to revolutionise the way you feel about yourself as a mama, and transform the way the world values and supports all mothers, everywhere.

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